Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge

aka: MI2, The Secret of Monkey Island 2
Moby ID: 289
DOS Specs

Description official descriptions

Guybrush Threepwood, the mighty pirate who can hold his breath for ten minutes, could have lived quietly and happily with his sweetheart Elaine, the governor of Melee Island. But the restless pirate spirit won't let Guybrush in peace. Things don't go very well with Elaine, and Guybrush (now with a beard) embarks on a new adventure: searching for the legendary treasure of Big Whoop. However, the evil ghost pirate LeChuck hasn't left the stage yet. His subordinates are trying to bring him back from the dead one more time. Will Guybrush be able to defeat his archenemy again?

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge is a puzzle-solving adventure game and a sequel to The Secret of Monkey Island. It utilizes the same command-based SCUMM interface (the player uses verb commands on highlighted objects) and branching dialogue system (choosing between several different responses during conversations) that were used in its predecessor. The game features hand-painted graphics, and is the first to utilize LucasArts' iMUSE system, which synchronizes music with visual action on the screen by providing smooth transition between themes.

The events of the game take place on a new set of islands; a part of the game allows the player to explore several islands simultaneously. Uncommonly for adventure games, LeChuck's Revenge features two difficulty levels. The easier one is dubbed Monkey Island 2 Lite; it bypasses or simplifies some of the harder puzzles.


  • モンキー・アイランド2 ル・チャックの逆襲 - Japanese spelling
  • 猴島小英雄2:李察克的復仇 - Traditional Chinese spelling

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Credits (DOS version)

85 People (82 developers, 3 thanks) · View all



Average score: 93% (based on 37 ratings)


Average score: 4.1 out of 5 (based on 487 ratings with 18 reviews)

Challenging and fun.

The Good
Everything!! The game has the original Monkey Island theme, which never gets on your nerves and is always a pleasure to hear. The interface is easy yet powerful and useful, and allows you to do almost anything you want. The plot is ingenious, but solving the quest is challanging, with none of the parts being frustrating.

The Bad
Some of the jokes are bad, and the ending has nothing to do with the game's plot... But it's hilarious nevertheless!! Other than that, the game is flawless.

The Bottom Line
Thumb up for LucasArts- this game is one of the best quests ever published, and shows that a gigantic budget from a successful company doesn't always end with a failure.

DOS · by El-ad Amir (116) · 2000

Can a spitting contest help overcome relationship problems?

The Good
LeChuck's Revenge has been described by some as "the best sequel ever". Considering the fact it was a sequel to a truly fantastic game, and therefore had to be top quality itself, it is really a great compliment, and I think it was justified. The best thing about this game is that it didn't merely repeat all the stuff that made the first game great, but went its own way; it retained much of the original game's atmosphere, while distancing itself from it in tone and style.

Monkey Island 2 is much crazier and much darker than the first game. I played this game two times, and I always felt I was participating in some sort of a carnival show, where the borders between dream and reality are vague, where everything is possible, and where weird and even grotesque situations have become the norm.

The humor is now more edgy, less naive-romantic, sometimes even slightly "black" (though not too much so to destroy the sweet atmosphere that is still there). Just watch that skeleton-dancing cutscene or the insane spitting that takes place when Guybrush and Wally are hanging over a pit of acid. This is the kind of weird humor that made the game so original for that time. Of course, now such things don't surprise anyone, because many adventure games tried to imitate this attitude later (many of them utterly failing), but Monkey Island 2 was really the first that introduced such kind of humor to the genre.

And the puzzles? Carrying a monkey in your inventory, using the most improbable inventory items with the most improbable stuff... pity I can't name specific examples, because no spoilers are allowed in reviews. Suffice to say that the puzzles in this game are even wackier than in its predecessor. The difficulty level is also significantly higher; but the game also has an "Easy" mode, where some of the trickiest puzzles are eliminated.

The dialogues are brilliantly written and very amusing; just check out the conversations with Elaine or with Stan (who became even funnier in this game). Generally, Monkey Island 2 is one of the funniest game I've ever played, and certainly the funniest in the series. Just think of that hilarious library on Phatt Island... There is no end to jokes, puns, pop culture references, and so on.

Now, I was among those few who really loved the ending. I even think it was the best part of the game! It was absolutely weird, very dark, strangely romantic, and in a certain way, even tragic...

The graphics are outstanding, certainly belonging to the finest examples of hand-painted 256-color graphics ever. The characters are noticeably better animated than in the first Monkey Island. The game also boasts a dynamic soundtrack, with some of the most beautiful MIDI compositions around.

The Bad
I'm not sure I loved the new concept of Guybrush. I found him a bit too cynical and somehow weary in the sequel; the youthful enthusiasm from the first game was lacking. Perhaps as a result of that, LeChuck's Revenge doesn't quite charm the same way its predecessor did. It is definitely "bigger and better" than the first one, but the magical "I want to be a pirate" atmosphere is somewhat downgraded to give more freedom to hilarious situations and puzzles.

Speaking of which, the difficulty level here is certainly not for the casual player; even on "Easy", many puzzles are guaranteed to give you a headache, and the much larger game world (three islands you can - and should - move between during a large portion of the game) can sometimes reduce the puzzle-solving to a slightly tedious "click on everything until something happens".

The Bottom Line
The sequel to the glorious simian adventure is much crazier and wackier than its predecessor; although it doesn't quite ooze the same charm, it definitely went further in making the whole business more edgy and entertaining. Add to this killer production values and loads of gameplay, and you'll have a great classic on your hands.

DOS · by Unicorn Lynx (181769) · 2011

The benchmark by which all other LucasArts adventures are judged

The Good
Unfortunately, it's difficult to speak highly of this game, without comparing it to numerous other games.

The graphics, sound, and gameplay of this game were all top-notch. The same LucasArts humor is here, but as an "adventure game", it's far above all of their other products.

Nearly every other LucasArts adventure game (Secret of Monkey Island, and Curse of Monkey Island, and Full Throttle, and Sam and Max, and so on) suffered from what I consider to be one huge flaw -- all of these games had a lot of unnecessary "filler" material, that detracted from the actual adventure. For example, in the other two Monkey Island games, you had to spend a large amount of time dicking around with "insult sword-fighting". While it was amusing, at first, it would get old very quickly.

In Full Throttle, you had to spend a bunch of time driving around mountain roads, fighting other bikers. I can't even remember what the purpose of that exercise was, aside from stretching out playtime.

More often than not, I found myself wanting these non-game sequences to be over with, so I could continue following the game's main story.

Monkey Island 2 has none of this kind of "filler" material - it's all story, baby!. Sure, it has its share of inventory puzzles, but for the most part, they all made sense.

The game world also seemed a lot "bigger" than the other games in the Monkey Island series, and it was fairly non-linear. If you're stuck on one particular island, for example, you could take a break and go to another island and fiddle around with the puzzles there for a while.

The Bad
Well... there were one or two maze puzzles that seemed a bit haphazard and slapped together... but those could've been a lot worse.

The Bottom Line
This is, in my opinion, one of the best adventure games ever to be released by LucasArts (and certainly much better than most Sierra games). It's even good as a stand-alone game. While it's certainly not required to play Monkey Island 1 first to understand what's going on in this game, you'll only miss out on a few in-jokes.

DOS · by Dave Schenet (134) · 2002

[ View all 18 player reviews ]


Subject By Date
UPC and Disks? Edwin Drost (9719) Jan 22, 2017


1001 Video Games

Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.

Amiga version

The Amiga version of this game was nicknamed Disk Juggling Simulator by the Amiga community because it came on 11 disks that have to be swapped around whilst playing the game.


You can actually kill Guybrush! If you wait several minutes after being suspended above the pool of acid, you will be lowered into it.


Ron Gilbert did not want to use a CD for this game, because he said it ran very slow and it didn't allow them to do what they wanted. He also believed that the CD wouldn't last for more than a couple of years. However, they were forced to delete six major scenes just for it to fit on five disks. However most of these scenes were not complete so a "director's cut" will never be made.

Big Whoop was never intended to be a large part of the game in the beginning.

German version

During development, the German translator Boris Schneider tried to convince Ron Gilbert to change the monkey wrench puzzle because it makes little sense in German. His idea was to switch out the monkey for an Englishman ("Engländer" is about the same idiom as "monkey wrench"). However, Gilbert did not give in.


This was one of the first games to use the iMUSE sound system.

Insult fighting

As of 2004, Monkey Island 2 is the only game in the main series so far to not include the famous Insult-Swordfighting battle sequences.


  • Sometimes in the gambling game, one of the possible prizes is a ticket to the Linguini Brother's Circus. But if you win the ticket and look at it, it'll say The Fettucini Brother's (from The Secret of Monkey Island)
  • In this game (as in many Lucasarts games) there are references to other Lucasarts products. For instance, in the antique shop, there is an Indy whip. The voodoo lady and LeChuck have great closeness to Star Wars. And Guybrush hates snakes, like Indiana Jones.
  • In the costume shop on Booty Island you can find costumes of two Hanna Barbera characters: Fred Flintstone and Huckleberry Hound.
  • There are a lot of books in the Phatt City library, one of them is called "The Majesty of the Sierras" (search the LM drawer). After you receive it from the librarian, take a look at it and Guybrush responds:

Sierras? Majestic? I think not. * Sam & Max also make an appearance in the game - look for them in the costume shop. * Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge was so named as a veiled Star Wars reference. The original subtitle of Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi was Revenge of the Jedi.

FM Towns Cliff Puzzle

Normally, one of the puzzles in Monkey Island 2 requires Guybrush to use a fishing line to try and retrieve a map piece from the side of a cliff, only for a seagull to steal it and fly away to a treehouse. However, the FM Towns skips directly to the seagull taking the map piece to the treehouse, omitting the cliff puzzle entirely. It wasn't until 2022 when former LucasArts localization manager Aric Wilmunder explained that the puzzle was cut because of a bug with the vertical scrolling.


As of 2004, Monkey Island 2 is one of the best-selling adventure games ever, having sold over 500,000 copies.


  • Amiga Joker
    • Issue 02/1993 – Best Game of 1992 (Readers' Vote)
    • Issue 02/1993 – Best Adventure Game of 1992 (Readers' Vote)
  • Computer Gaming World
    • November 1992 (Issue #100) – Adventure Game of the Year
    • November 1996 (15th Anniversary Issue) - #74 in the “150 Best Games of All Time” list
    • November 1996 (15th anniversary issue) –#2 Funniest Computer Game (together with The Secret of Monkey Island)
  • Power Play
    • Issue 02/1992 – Best Adventure in 1991

Information also contributed by Agent 5, B.L. Stryker, festershinetop, James Kirk, Jason Harang, Late, Marek, Mumm-Ra, PCGamer77, Roedie and xxxxxxxxxxx


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Related Games

The Secret of Monkey Island
Released 1990 on DOS, Amiga, 1991 on Atari ST
Escape from Monkey Island
Released 2000 on Windows, 2001 on PlayStation 2, Macintosh
The Curse of Monkey Island
Released 1997 on Windows, 2018 on Macintosh
The Secret of Monkey Island
Released 1992 on DOS, Macintosh, SEGA CD
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge - Special Edition
Released 2010 on PlayStation 3, Windows, Xbox 360...
Return to Monkey Island
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Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 2 - The Siege of Spinner Cay
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The Curse of Monkey Island
Released 1999 on DOS, Windows
Tales of Monkey Island
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Related Sites +

  • Hints for Monkey Island 2
    These hints will help you solve the game without spoiling it for you.
  • ScummVM
    Get "Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge", as well as many other adventure games, to run on modern systems by using ScummVM, a legal and free program.
  • The Monkey Island Scummbar
    Probably the oldest site dedicated to the Monkey Island series of games. Frequently updated.

Identifiers +

  • MobyGames ID: 289
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Are you familiar with this game? Help document and preserve this entry in video game history! If your contribution is approved, you will earn points and be credited as a contributor.

Contributors to this Entry

Game added by eric aili.

Amiga added by POMAH. Macintosh added by Kabushi. Antstream added by lights out party. FM Towns added by Terok Nor.

Additional contributors: Trixter, jeff leyda, IJan, MAT, Unicorn Lynx, Jeanne, Apogee IV, Paulus18950, Patrick Bregger, FatherJack, Kayburt, Vincent Kinian.

Game added September 23, 1999. Last modified February 23, 2024.