🐳 Moby v2024.06.07


Moby ID: 104656


Catchphrase is an interactive DVD game that is based on a UK TV game show.

The game comes in a square card box with a hinged lid. Inside the box contains pencils, Catch Phrase cards, a notepad and a DVD keep case. The box art refers to a 'free bonus edition' also known as the 'travel edition' of the game, this is played using the Bonus Game Cards, notepad and pencil, any number of players can play this game.

The main game, however, is played from the DVD and is for two players/teams referred to as Pink and Blue. The nature of the TV game is that the first person to press the buzzer gets to answer the question, to simulate this the game instructions specify that the two players/teams should sit apart, Blue on the left and Pink on the right, and that when either side thinks they know the answer they must grab the DVD remote and press their team's arrow button.

There are three rounds to the game;* Round 1: In this round the teams are shown a picture representing a well known phrase or saying and must guess the phrase within the twenty second time limit. There are two ways to score; + Seize the remote, press the left/right button for either the pink/blue team and then shout out the answer. If the answer is correct twenty pints are won, if the answer is incorrect then twenty points go to the other side + Within the time limit just shout out an answer. If that proves to be the correct answer when the time limit expires then ten points are won, if it is incorrect no points are awarded to the other side. The round consists of four to six questions.

  • Round 2: In this round the catchphrases divided into squares which are revealed one at a time. At the start of a question the catchphrase is worth one hundred points but this score drops by ten points as each portion of the picture is shown. As in round one players grab the remote, select their team and give their answer, if they are correct they score the remaining points, if they are incorrect the points go to the other side. This round also consists of four to six catchphrases.
  • Round 3: This is the Super Catchphrase Round. Here the board is divided into a 3x3 grid. The object is to solve a catchphrase puzzle in each cell to make a row across the board, the puzzles are shown immediately as in round one. Whichever side is in the lead at the start of the round goes first, if they succeed they win the game, if they fail the other side gets to play the round. Thinking time in this round is limited to thirty seconds for all puzzles combined.

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  • MobyGames ID: 104656
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Contributors to this Entry

Game added by piltdown_man.

Game added March 4, 2018. Last modified March 9, 2023.