Peggle: Blast
Android version
A Peggle game that tries to shake you down for cash
The Good
Mobile is a great platform for a Peggle game. I've always thought of Peggle as the ultimate sitting-on-the-toilet or sitting-on-the-train type game, but that is kinda less true when you consider there's only one other entry (that I know of?) that's on any sort of portable platform (not considering the existence of things like the Steam Deck, which still aren't necessarily that accessible for the average joe), and it's for the DS and thus isn't nearly as accessible now as it would've been on release, or as a phone game like Peggle Blast currently is.
The Bad
The puzzles are designed poorly, and it feels as though this is done intentionally. It's been a bit since I last played it, but I remember the difficulty curve being functionally nonexistent, with the game lulling you into a sense of false security by first giving you a handful of levels that are either overly easy or decently challenging in a way that's fun, right before throwing at you a horribly-designed and thus horrifically difficult level with what felt like the intent to try and bully you into paying real-world money on things like powerups to help you beat a level. I recall the level I was stuck on before giving up I had been trying on and off for literal days on end, when the puzzles directly prior were certainly challenging (except for the odd poorly designed and overly-easy one) but in a way that made me feel like it was just a manner of getting better at the game, or rethinking my strategy. As I recall it's also one of those games with a life system where one play consumes a life whether you win or lose, a timer for replenishing lives, and a way to dodge the timer by just spending real-world money to buy lives early, and this massively diminishes its ability to be a good time waster when you're doing things like commuting to work/school on a train or whatever else have you, and it's also just another way to try and swindle you out of your cash.
The Bottom Line
Peggle on mobile? Grand idea! The way Peggle Blast handles it? So bad that it isn't even worth your time. Peggle Blast is not a game but a black hole for money wearing the mask of a much-beloved game franchise, and that makes it downright evil.
by ngoomie on April 27, 2024