Sonic Generations
Nintendo 3DS version
A big missed opportunity to celebrate Sonic's handheld history
The Good
The graphics look decent. Some great music. Cool extras that longtime Sonic fans will enjoy. Two stages are from the Sonic Rush and Sonic Colors DS games, which feels appropriate given this game is on a handheld.
The Bad
Classic and modern sonic play nearly identical to each other since they both play in 2D and both have access to the homing attack. Instead of the stages coming from the Game Gear and Game Boy Advance games, the stages come from the Genesis and Dreamcast games like the HD version. The main story mode can be completed in less than 3 hours. Some of the levels were designed in a way that makes it impossible to avoid an enemy, spikes or even a pitfall appearing out of nowhere which feels cheap.
The Bottom Line
Play the far superior HD version. You're not missing much by not playing this game.
by 45th&47th (495) on April 17, 2024