Airwolf 2

aka: Airwolf II
Moby ID: 55718

Commodore 16, Plus/4 version

Neat Gradius clone in less than 16 kilobytes

The Good
This game is (theoretically) based on a TV show license. It is also (theoretically) the sequel to the first Airwolf game, which was a clunky something, in the genre of undefinable home computer weirdness. In both games, our vessel is the Airwolf attack helicopter, but this time it flies in OUTER SPACE! (How does that even work? Ha ha!)

But do not let all that distract us. What this game truly is, is a scrolling space shoot-em-up, a minimalistic Gradius clone. As such, it is pretty neatly done. While this is a cut down version of Airwolf 2 even compared to other platforms, this is what actually turns it to be enjoyable (as the other versions are 'naff with all the dumb sht they throw at you at lightspeed). The program is well done - smooth scrolling, many objects, okay-ish hit detection - which was a rarity on the C16 back in its commercial lifespan. The game is pretty tough, yet it makes me want to try more again, so it does something right.

The Bad
The screen scrolls from right to left, which feels a bit... unnatural?

The powerup collectibles block your missiles, which can make troublesome situations.

The hitboxes are square around all objects, regardless to their visual shape. (considering the hardware, I cut it some slack, and the game also remains playable.)

The Bottom Line
A good game for the often neglected Commodre 16 (and Commodore Plus/4) computers. One of the best scrolling shoot-em-up for the platform, besides Reach for the Sky and Skramble.

by 1xWertzui (1135) on March 31, 2024

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