Out of This World
Out of this World (1987 on Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC)
Out of This World (1987 on Enterprise)
Description official descriptions
A young physics professor named Lester conducts a particle experiment. Suddenly, something goes wrong, lightning strikes, and in a moment Lester finds himself in a strange alien world. Now he must fight for his life, first with his bare hands, then with a gun he finds. But what gives him courage is that he is not alone. One of the aliens who escapes from the prison together with him helps him on his dangerous quest. Friendship can overcome all obstacles.
Out of This World combines shooting, platforming, and puzzle-solving elements. The game is divided into stages; some of them are straightforward and can only be accessed one time, while others are connected to each other, constituting a larger environment. Exploration and problem-solving are emphasized. Many levels include challenges not seen in the previous ones. Tasks may involve environmental puzzles, timed sequences, precise jumping, and combat.
Typically, enemies are defeated by using an energy gun found in an early stage. The gun's regular function is shooting energy projectiles. By pressing down and holding the fire button the player can activate an energy shield that protects Lester from regular attacks, allowing him to fire from relative safety until it evaporates. Finally, by holding the fire button even longer the gun creates powerful blasts which can disrupt shields. Most enemies are equipped with similar guns and are able to perform the same actions as Lester. Fighting enemies, therefore, requires tactical usage of regular attacks, shields, and bombs, as well as learning enemy patterns.
Each level can be accessed by typing a code the player learns after having completed the level. If Lester dies, the level must be restarted. There is no on-screen interface and no in-game dialogue in the game. Vector graphics are used for creating the game's environments and animated cutscenes.
- Another World: Коллекционное переиздание - Russian spelling
- עולם אחר - Hebrew spelling
- アウターワールド - Japanese spelling
- 另一個世界 - Chinese spelling (traditional)
Groups +
Credits (DOS version)
12 People (4 developers, 8 thanks)
Design | |
Original Programming | |
DOS Conversion | |
Graphics / Artwork | |
Music | |
Sound Effects | |
Thanks To | |
Manual |
Illustrations |
Average score: 84% (based on 78 ratings)
Average score: 3.7 out of 5 (based on 592 ratings with 25 reviews)
This game is the holy grail of classy presentation and elegant gameplay
The Good
Out of this World is largely the work of just one man, Eric Chahi. He has managed to create a game that is more satisfying than nearly any modern game you will have played in the past five years, and perhaps more satisfying than any you have ever played. There were no games like Out of this World before it came out, and the later imitations can't quite capture the unique spirit of their inspirational source. It's simply that good. While the gameplay is nearly beyond reproach, the best traits of this classic are its imagination, its gorgeous design, and above all its trust in the player's ability to imagine, to commit to the alien world on its terms.
The beginning of the game shows you one major ingredient of the game's genius, when the primitive vector graphics are displayed in fully-animated glory during the opening cinematic. The crude shapes would seem cheap and disappointing if not for the precision and elegance with which they are employed--cinematic angles and an engaging trust in the player's imagination serve to make these primitive scenes interesting even today. Lester's fancy car squeals into view, and we are treated to some of the green hologram-like interfaces Flashback fans will be intimately familiar with as we watch a physics expert burning the midnight oil. Something goes wrong during particle acceleration, and suddenly Lester and most of his console disappear with a flash of blue sparks and light.
Immediately, you are thrown into the game. Lester must escape from the pool and the grasping tentacles or face what will likely be the first of many, many deaths. Once out of the pool, you can appreciate the appealing sparseness of the alien landscape. With pale, simple blocks of color, an evocative alien world is realized: misty pillars of rock trail off into the horizon below a crescent moon; a beast colored an impenetrable black lopes into view and looks at you with red eyes. And then a tentacle reaches for you from the heretofore calm pool surface and it's time to move again.
From this bleak, lonely landscape that emphasizes sheer scope and emptiness the player travels to a claustrophobic cage, to a deadly alien tank, and to a swingin' harem--all the while that cinematic touch to the scenery rarely fails to amaze. Enemies are more than dimwitted patterns that are learned and consequently no longer require thought--the cinematic design goes down to individual enemy behavior. The puzzles come down to how exactly to defeat the alien who is behind six energy shields and lobs energy bombs that can penetrate your own, or how to defeat two soldiers who come in at both sides simultaneously. All the while the story is being told by your actions, and those of your surprisingly expressive alien friend. After you attract the ire of the guard below your cage, when he fires his gun another guard appears to watch the action in the background. When you crush the guard below you with your falling cage, the prisoners in the background stop breaking rocks as you grab the gun and flee. At no point is there a rote procession of action that involves the same stale maneuvers used just a screen ago--nearly every enemy encounter presents a new and unique challenge, often a new wonder of art direction, and sometimes a diabolically difficult puzzle to be solved. When the game is finally over, its ending battle and cutscene are as cinematic, as boldly unique, and as cohesive with the game's tone as anyone could wish for.
What's the point of all this cinematic style? It makes you accept the world on its own terms. You don't think of Lester as an abstract object, running lifelessly around a gaming world distorted and simplified into a recognizable gaming archetype--you live and breathe the world along with him, because both of you are experiencing this exotic environment for the first time, and it is full of wonders and adventure rather than trite platforming cliches. This game asks the player's imagination to fill in the corners, to ignore the blockiness and palette limitations of vector graphics. All but the most closed of minds will happily go along with that request. Those that do will be richly rewarded by this game, because a lot of love has been put into it.
The Bad
Some of these puzzles are very difficult to figure out. It is quite easy to die, and even easier to wrongly dismiss some section of the game as unnecessary when it is integral to ultimate success. For example, unless you've climbed on some pillars and have plunged into the depths, you are not going to be able to finish the game. Some of the combats are notoriously difficult, although there are strategies to at least a few of the more dangerous battles that make them as quick as hitting the spacebar twice. The only other thing that can be mentioned, as I'm sure has been mentioned by others, is that the game is too short. It's a brilliant effort all around.
The Bottom Line
A revelatory platforming experience, that has faith in the player to commit his/her energy to both mastering the challenges of the game and to completing in the blocky colors of the game world with his/her own imagination. The gameplay is simple and direct, with only six or so keys to master. Run, jump, and kick for starters. With the versatile gun, the player can now fire normal blasts, create a shield, or fire a charged burst that shatters both thin walls and shields--all with the use of one button. What can be done with these simple controls is a testament to the ingenuity of the game's design--an artsy, imaginative platformer everyone should give a chance.
DOS · by J. P. Gray (115) · 2004
Definetely a groundbreaking game
The Good
Well, first of all the game is full of incredible animated cutscenes. They help develop the original storyline just like a movie. You play the game in cooperation with a native you encountered, so this is a really unique twist in the genre.
The controls are easy to grasp, and easy to use. You use only the cursor keys and spacebar. Finally the ambient sound effects you hear during the game are very atmospheric. It's even possible to use the PC speaker to play the digital soundtrack!
The Bad
Although there are level codes, some levels are really large and hard. Thus if you die in one of those levels, it may get really disappointing to repeat all the actions required again and again.
The Bottom Line
Just an incredible game in the history of computer gaming, which makes you feel as if you are really in an alien world.
DOS · by IJan (1971) · 1999
The game that inspired Outcast is no less stunning - quite possibly better!
The Good
Strong atmosphere, good story, excellent music, and fluid animations.
The Bad
Quite hard at places - though maybe that's a good thing as it makes the game longer and more challenging.
The Bottom Line
"Out of This World" is one of those classic games that really is a work of art; recomended to adventure and action gamers alike.
This is one of the sources that inspired the game Outcast; and its no less stunning, no less brilliant, and no less great than that game - actually at places; "Out of This World" is even better!
One can say this game really is out of this world, in every positive aspect of that line.
DOS · by Stargazer (99) · 2003
Subject | By | Date |
DOS Manual | Freeman (65147) | Sep 19, 2016 |
No evidence on Win3x | eXo (346) | Apr 7, 2015 |
15/20th anniversary | Cavalary (11448) | Dec 30, 2013 |
1001 Video Games
Another World appears in the book 1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die by General Editor Tony Mott.
3DO version
The 3DO version of Out of This World is quite different from the other versions in terms of graphics and sound. The polygon backgrounds have been replaced by hand-drawn versions, the quality of which varies from stunning to amateurish. Music is played quite consistently throughout the game. It somewhat resembles a film score, and is similar to the music in the Sega CD sequel Heart of the Alien. The sound effects seem to be the same, however. Oddly enough, after the game is completed and the credits roll, the intro sequence from Heart of the Alien is played, with the same hand-drawn art style as the rest of the game. The gameplay has not changed at all. There is also a hidden mini-game by entering the password BRGR.
Due to its visuals, the game featured in a UK TV advert for the Amiga. The advert also featured a UK hit song called Sunshine on a Rainy Day by Zoe.
Apple IIgs release
Out of this World was one of the last commercially released games for the Apple IIgs. The port was written by Bill Heineman, who also was responsible for the SNES version (both the IIgs and the SNES share the same main processor). If the screen size was reduced, the game ran extremely smoothly on a stock unaccelerated IIgs.
Out of this World was the first game to have cinematic cutscenes seen in many games today.
When he needed a model for the rotoscoping in this game, Eric Chahi got his brother to run around in the back garden of their house!
DOS version
Released first on the Amiga and Atari ST, many players complained that Out Of This World was too easy. Because of this, the PC version includes two extra levels and has slightly increased difficulty in other parts of the game.
Dreamcast release
In Dec 2005 Out of this World was ported to the Dreamcast,with permission from Eric Chahi. Eric Chahi also allowed the Dreamcast port to include the datafiles. You can download the port here.
Some original storyboards, drawn up during the game's initial development, reveal an unmade ending in which Lester Chaykin survives and becomes a leader of the alien world. The storyboards can be viewed on the game's official site (http://www.anotherworld.fr/anotherworld_uk)
(Click on Another World from the side menu, then select Illustration from the top.There is a sketch with minimal detail at the bottom of the page that could represent the unmade cutscene.It seems to be Lester sitting at a throne, wearing a robe(?) and holding a sword.)
Flashback is technically a sequel to Out Of This World. But since the storyline is completely different, it is not proper to call it a sequel.
Game Boy Advance release
In 2005, a free Game Boy Advance port of Out of this World was released by FoxySofts in the form of a downloadable rom, with the blessing of the game's original creator Eric Chahi. The port is a near flawless recreation of the original. It can be downloaded from: http://www.foxysofts.com/index.php?l=content/gba/anworld.inc
It is important to note that Out Of This World is a technical achievement. All graphics in the game are filled vector images (2D polygons). This has been used before to save disk space with early adventure games (like King's Quest), but never before in an action game. Also, all music and sound effects are mixed in realtime to provide multichannel music and sound on modest sound hardware. All this on a 286!
In an issue of Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine, Japanese game designer Fumito Ueda cited this as an influence for ICO.
Intro erorrs
During the intro, watch Lester's hand as he's using the keypad. It moves forward too much, thus revealing...there is no arm attached to it! Also, at the very beginning of the intro, Lester goes up an elevator. Later on, a lightning hits a metal surface on the ground floor, but Lester is sitting right behind it. How is that possible?
Jaguar version
The Jaguar port contains an optional enhanced graphics mode (referred to as 15th anniversary mode), but everything else is identical to the original version, unlike the changes for the 15th anniversary version of the game,
References to the game
This game has a reference in Eiffel 65's song, My Console.
Release history
Out of This World was rereleased in 1995 on CD with a Windows binary in addition to the original DOS binary.
SNES version
The SNES version features a theme song -- the first time you hear it is in the very beginning of the game, when the black beast starts chasing you. There was also some tinkering with the background images of the last level (involving naked women viewed from the back) and all blood was removed.
Windows release
On April 14th, 2006 Out of this World has been re-released by it's developer Eric Chahi (who got back the rights to the game) in a completely remastered edition for Windows XP which supports resolutions of up to 1280x800. You can purchase it online and read about the making of the game (both the original version and the remake) at www.anotherworld.fr
- Amiga Joker
- Issue 02/1993 – #2 Best Genre Mix of 1992 (Readers' Vote)
- Issue #4 - #73 in the "Top 100 Video Games of All-Time" list
- Electronic Gaming Monthly
- February 1993 (issue #43) - Game of the Month (Genesis version)
- 1993 Buyer's Guide - Most Innovative Game of the Year
- ST Format
- January 1993 (issue #42) - #32 in '50 finest Atari ST games of all time' list
Information also contributed by Big John WV, Brian Hirt, Caim Douglas, Darksaviour69, Gil Megidish, leon101, hydra9, Jiguryo, Mark Ennis, Martin Smith, Matt Dabrowski, Zack Green and Zovni
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Related Sites +
Another World
Official Site
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by IJan.
Zodiac added by Trypticon. Genesis added by POMAH. Jaguar added by Sciere. Windows, Atari ST, Symbian added by Kabushi. Windows 3.x added by Freeman. Macintosh added by Игги Друге. SNES added by Unicorn Lynx. Amiga added by MAT. 3DO added by quizzley7. Apple IIgs added by Garcia.
Additional contributors: Trixter, POMAH, tarmo888, Alaka, Игги Друге, Crawly, Klaster_1, Paulus18950, Patrick Bregger, Jo ST, FatherJack, RufUsul, Kayburt, Vincent Kinian.
Game added December 12, 1999. Last modified May 10, 2024.