7 Days a Skeptic
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Player Reviews
Average score: 3.8 out of 5 (based on 35 ratings with 6 reviews)
The Good
It was a long time ago since the events of DeFoe Manor, as depicted in 5 Days A Stranger. Nobody can't remember the name of Trilby, the famous cat burglar, or Simone Taylor, or Jim Fowler. The tale of DeFoe Manor has been forgotten and nobody can't tell to their kids or grandkids its legend. After all, we're in 2385, nearly 400 years after the destruction of the youngest Roderick DeFoe's son.
Time is spent in space, with a powerful Earth Federation. The leaders decided to recycle old spaceships and the first one to be launched in our universe after being renovated is the Mephistopheles, whose crew had the mission to map the Caracus Galaxy. You find the soon-retired Captain Barry Chahal, the too logical Lieutenant-Commander Angela Garret, the funny engineer Lieutenant Adam Gilkennie, the rule follower Ensign Serena Kyle, the rookie physician William Taylor and the famous counsellor Jonathan Somerset.
One day, they found a strange object floating in space and despite the recommendation to let a research ship take it for examination, Barry decided to bring it aboard. An inscription dated from 1997 asked to not disturb John DeFoe's eternal sleep. With the night coming, the crew is going to bed. They don't know that they've sealed their fates and that it will be up to Jonathan Somerset to solve the mystery...
7 Days A Skeptic is the sequel to 5 Days A Stranger and the second "chapter" in the Chzo Mythos Quadrilogy, even if in terms of chronology, the events depicted here are the last to happen.It's still a free game made with the AGS Engine, released in 2003 and made by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, the developer behind the Rob Blanc Trilogy and the Trials of Odysseus Kent. As for the AGS Engine, it's also the engine behind Yahtzee's games but also the Ben Jordan series, Larry Vales or Barn Runner.
When you say sequel, generally, it's picking up the story nearly after the end of the first game (like Ben Jordan series for example) or a couple of years after (see Half-Life and Half-Life 2 even if it's a matter of ten/twenty years in this case). 7 Days A Skeptic belongs to this category of sequels, even if well, 400 years have passed since the first opus. So, Yahtzee placed his characters in an advanced-technology world, where mankind is exploring universe.
So, the storyline is taking place in space, where fear can be really present and where nobody can hear you screaming. You're in an old scoutship with strange events like bloody nightmares, missing crew members and dismantled body. Anyway, with the name DeFoe and the hat as a signature, you can easily guess that John DeFoe is the wraith of DeFoe Manor, Roderick's unwanted son, Matthew's twin brother and that the hat is Trilby, apparently having send something which couldn't be destroyed like that and containing the spirit or the sound of the poor kid and which could be a plague on Earth at the time. So, you do know that bringing the object aboard was a very bad idea and that you'll live 7 days of complete horror and death. But the idea of making a plot twist at the end of the story is one of the strong points of the game. Nobody could have seen that. Nobody could have predicted that. Unless you've taken the Chzo Mythos in the wrong sense and played 6 Days A Sacrifice.
The gameplay is nearly the same. Players take control of Jonathan Somerset. For moving him, you can click anywhere you want. For using, talking, looking or use your inventory, you have to put your cursor on the desired object/character (the cursor will become a square) and to right-click for opening the menu action and choose what you wanted to do with it/him/her. There is also a passage where you'll have to type for accessing some documents: if you're playing with an AZERTY keyboard, don't forget that the game was set for QWERTY. This fact is only a complaint coming from an AZERTY user.
The puzzles are good. Even when you have to do an action quickly for avoiding death, you can use your good sense or the clues dropped by characters. Like for example at the end of the game, William speaking about the radios masts. As you already had entered the captain's console, you can remember the first action allowed. It's not really a difficult game.
Graphics are simple and sober. It's not really as detailed as in 5 Days A Stranger but it's efficient... even if I find that the ship has too more blue corridors or a sort of brown yellow that isn't appealing. Don't expect graphics like in Half-Life or in The Longest Journey, remember that the AGS engine is in the direct line of the LucasArt or Sierra old-school adventure game. If you can't stand that kind of graphics, you will not be pleased by games made with it. Anyway, it's more shocking than the previous opus but I still maintain that 18+ is a too high setting for it. It's not really a realistic horror game, so, I think that 15+ is a more reasonable rating.
Soundtrack is also good. It's again a pity that the music isn't playing always but the sudden silence on Monday (engines not working) and the only sound when having a EVA Suit for going out (it's your breathing) is strengthening the suspicious and horror ambiance. What will happen now that I can't hear anything except my walking or my breathing?
The replay value is good. If you have missed a dialog or easter eggs, you can play it again and again. Lifetime is perhaps a little longer than 5 Days A Stranger but the days are never long. Saturday was very short for example.
The Bad
As I've hinted it, when the name on the locker is revealed, you do know that the crew will be murdered. You don't know who will survive or who will be the next one to die but you know that the trip will be bloody. It's perhaps a weakness but even with this knowledge, you want to know the story.
And if you remember correctly, I have a complaint that can only apply to AZERTY keyboards. Well, as I own an AZERTY one, mainly because I'm living in Europe, I find it somewhat frustrating to type while looking my keyboard. Being used to type without thinking where my key is, it's kind of boring to do so. Well, fortunately, it's only for a few seconds. That'll be hell for the next chapter of the Chzo Mythos, Trilby's Notes, as the gameplay is only typing. But I can't really blame Yahtzee for it, as it's probably a feature of the AGS Engine.
Another boring thing is the clipping/unclipping you when outside. I know that it's more secure to be clipped to a safety rail when going outside of space but why the character doesn't do it automatically when going from a safety rail to another? I know, you have to do it only between the two first rails but you have always to do it.
The Bottom Line
Anyway, 7 Days A Skeptic isn't full of surprise: you do know how DeFoe works and it's not a shock to see the crew being killed. But it's also refreshing to see a sequel set in a future, in a new place and with new characters even if William Taylor is Simone Taylor's descendant and somewhere connected to 5 Days A Stranger. 7 Days A Skeptic is a good game, free and downloadable that I recommend. It's only a pity that after that, the quality in some areas will drop.
After all, if you beat DeFoe Manor, you can board the Mephistopheles for a happy and bloody trip in space.
Windows · by vicrabb (7272) · 2008
In Space No One Can Hear You Scream!
The Good
7 Days A Skeptic the sequel to 5 Days A Stranger revolves around the crew of the spaceship Mephistopheles nearly 4 hundred years in the future from the first ones events and begins when the crew finds an object floating in space and decide to bring it aboard but when they inspect it, it appears to be nothing so they leave it alone but when the captain disappears and along with him the rest of the crew leaving your character Dr. Jonathan Somerset to find out what is behind all this madness.
7 Days A Skeptic is a horror adventure game just like the original but this time around the play mechanics are slightly different this time in order to use an object by clicking on it then choosing the desired action to use with it for example to open a door you would right click on the door and choose the hand icon, the puzzles remained about the same using the item on an object to get further along.
The graphics are about the same as the originals so thereās not much to talk about with it the music is now an original score not just taken from RPG Maker and still holds well with the horror theme and the sound effects are pretty much the same as in the original.
The Bad
Even Though this game takes place over more days than the original 7 instead of 5 this game is the same length as 5 Days A Stranger thus meaning the game is only like 45 minutes to complete which some will definitely be disappointed by and one thing I must stress is how stupid I thought the ending was itās not even because its downer because horror shouldn't have happy endings but itās just stupid.
The Bottom Line
All That Said this game is a quality sequel to 5 Days A Stranger and anyone who enjoyed that should enjoy this one plus once again its free! Special Edition $5.
Windows · by Classic Nigel (108) · 2007
Just like a cheesy horror movie sequel
The Good
The first game, 5 Days a Stranger, was very good. So I wanted to complete the saga it's sequel, 7 Days a Skeptic. However while 5 was mostly story driven, 7 is mostly action driven. The graphics are very nice here, and the what plot there is is pretty well thought out.
The Bad
I don't really like the control system, but that more an issue with AGS than with this game. Also, the fact that there was really no story given in this game makes it feel like you are actually in a horror movie sequel that just exists to make money. This game even parodies the movie series Halloween at least twice. There are also two days in which you have to spend the whole (very short) day running away from The Welder. The Welder is also never named, which is too bad as all horror movie legends deserve a name.
The Bottom Line
A decent follow-up effort to 5 Days a Stranger. If you're interested in this game, I strongly suggest you play 5 Days first, and then 7 Days as it will give you a much better understanding of the backstory. And if you only have enough HD space for one of these games, chose 5 Days.
Windows · by CubbyKatz (83) · 2005
A Solid Enough Effort From An Amateur Developer
The Good
I'll be the first to admit that I can't fathom the faulting of amateur
games, even mediocre ones. Especially in the adventure genre, where game designing tools for years have made it one of if not the easiest genre to create games in. Not quite foolproof, but much less prone to failure than games in other generations.
And if a game is given to you for free, created by a handful if not a singular person, and not created with the benefit of millions of dollars being poured into it... How can you complain about it if the game is even anything approaching decent?
And 7 Days a Skeptic, for what it is, is most definitely more than average.
A handful of appropriate MIDI tunes that set the mood, and the same goes for the sound effects, those few that there are in a game that only spans a few hours at most.
Some gruesome bits that a horror game like this benefits from.
Actual tension when being chased throughout the station. For a game that takes up a handful of MB at the most, that's remarkable in itself. Reminded me of Maniac Mansion to no end, being chased that is.
Diverse enough characters who act convincingly enough relative to their personalities.
The science fiction setting isn't without explanations of it's inner workings. Plants that can't grow in such an environment, no one needing more than two suits since the creation of material that dirt can't cling to, a Star Trek like food creator. It sets the stage, not letting you forget that you are a few hundred years in the future on a spaceship.
All in all the game isn't anything I didn't play over a decade over... And it's not going to change the landscape of professional or amateur gaming.
But it's a solid enough space adventure romp that'll make you think, invoke more than a few emotions, and keep you busy for a few hours. So why not?
Nice little twist there at the end too. Didn't see it coming.
The Bad
Hmm. The ship looks a little bland, and there's a lack of furnishing and general things around it. Could of used some more variety, more of the science fiction "fluff" that I mentioned above, to flesh it out.
The pitter patter of everyones feet gets a little annoying too, I guess. =)
Some puzzles are more than a little hard to piece together in your mind. And though they're not as aggravating as some adventure games, they did grate on my nerves at times.
Oh yeah, the developer didn't spell "artifact" correctly. Hehhee.
The Bottom Line
A solid enough entry into amateur adventure gaming. You could do far, far worse than playing this one for a few hours.
Kudos to the developer big time for creating a mythos and making his creation into a series. Very well done.
Windows · by Russell Brisson (5) · 2007
Big on atmosphere, short on gameplay
The Good
Continuing in the vein of its predecessor 5 Days a Stranger, Skeptic transposes the slasher flick vibe to a sequel -- IN SPAAAACCEEE. I'm not sure why it was necessary to pick up the same storyline 400 years in the future, but it makes for a really cool Alien-esque setting. Except instead of an Alien it's an aptly malicious and scary space-Jason.
Even (or especially) in the adventure gaming heyday of the early- to mid-90s, there were very few decent horror/suspense games, so it's cool that the designer made an effort to right these past oversights. The ship is a fun setting, and the sparse music combined with ambient sound effects, particularly the use of bipedal pitter-patter, adds immensely to the creep factor. Throw on top of that an inexplicable murder mystery wherein everyone, including the main character, is suspect.
The tension and suspense is really palpable, and the puzzle design is remarkably logical for an adventure game. Every problem has a sensible solution, a relieving change from most fanmade retro games which feature puzzles designed by level 5 sudoku masters who spent too much time playing King's Quest 6.
The Bad
Obviously a retro-style amateur game should be held to different standards than a pro-game. It's free, so that said, there's only so much to complain about but...
..for starters, it's short. Maybe too short. As a side effect of logical puzzles, you can work through the game in pretty short order. There are no alternate solutions, so you're following a very linear path. The limited scope of gameplay means you're essentially playing a movie, but it's in 16-bit and you could be watching Alien instead.
The explorable areas on the space ship are pretty limited and the prop-ish rec room could have done with some functionality for at least the illusion of more open-ended gameplay.
I understand the limited scoring was done for dramatic effect, but honestly a bit more music would have really added to certain segments.
The story itself is a little want for detail. Flashbacks, hallucinations and dreams all add to the atmosphere, but they don't really explain what's going on. The gruesome revelation toward the climax is more for shock value than exposition, and it still leaves tons of loose ends. The Twilight Zone hook at the end is kind of baffling and cheap.
The Bottom Line
It's free, it's fun and it's short. You can't go wrong if you're an adventure gaming fan and you're not expecting a masterpiece of the genre. If you like slasher flicks and suspense games, 7 Days is your man.
Windows · by jTrippy (58) · 2010
Like a chewed bubble gum with almost no flavor.
The Good
Let's start with the good. I though the music and the sound effects, although scarce, were kind of nice and well put, I particularly liked the intro piano music a lot and the sudden stabbing sound effects. We have characters that are distinctive and with situations that resemble the first game. And... well, I admit I was hooked and wanted to beat it quickly. I'd add some points for the gore too.
The Bad
This game is cheesy and dumb. First of all, if you compare the title with the prequel's you might think this game should be like longer and more elaborated than the first, but despite that the game takes as much time as the other to be completed, if not less. A reason for this is that as a sequel it's more action driven while the first was more story driven. The little story the game has is impaled with logic gaps that are just dumb, and also the dialogue is generic and lacking in wit and humour unlike the more earthly driven prequel. And same with the first one we have a very limited environment with wasted possibilities of interaction. The crappy interface make the game look even more anemic due to its limitations. The graphics and scenarios are poor.
And the whole idea of making a space sequel of "5 Days a Stranger"... it might sound like it can be something original if you have faith in the wits of the creator (I had for a while), but what it came up really feels like a stretched bubble gum with almost no flavor.
The Bottom Line
This is a sequel to the unbelievably acclaimed amateurish mini horror adventure game, "5 Days a Stranger". Not bad for a free award winning AGS game, but not good enough for the reputation it got. But still better than this, which has to be one of the most forced and unnecessary sequels of an amateurish award winning game ever.
Windows · by Czar Husk Qi (27) · 2007
Contributors to this Entry
Critic reviews added by EonFear, Alsy, Scaryfun, Wizo, Jeanne.