Game Groups > Games with original fan translations into English
This group collects games that were originally released in a language other than English, and then were translated into English by fans, without the authorization of the developer(s) or right holder(s). Such translations are usually released as patches that must be applied to the original version.
Details about the translations can be found in the games' trivia entries.
- The fan translation must be the first translation of the game into English. Sometimes games get re-translated or existing translations get modified to remove mistakes or make them closer to the original. Such later edits or re-translations do not qualify the game for this group.
- The translation must be complete. Many translation projects are started and then never finished, or only critical parts like menus and options (but not dialogue) are translated. Only games that have all non-English elements translated qualify for this group.
Related Groups
- Console Generation Exclusives: Sega Genesis
- Console Generation Exclusives: Sega Saturn
- Console Generation Exclusives: SNES
- Console Generation Exclusives: TurboGrafx-16
- Fushigi no Dungeon games
- Game Center CX challenge games
- Gameplay feature: Monster capture / training
- Games made into TV series
- Manga / anime licensees
- Phantasy Star games
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