Forums > News > Moby v2023.11.22 Release

MobyReed (386) on 11/22/2023 10:11 PM · edited · Permalink · Report
The new Game Relations feature has been a hit! Already 7,908 expansion / DLC / add-on relations have been linked up and approved.
Today's release includes some updates with that contribution tool, including the ability to add with game id and a new "Unofficial Add-on" category. Plus you can now view your history of game relation contributions via your profile page.
The game browser now excludes add-ons by default, but can be enabled with a checkbox and will remember your preference.
Similar to the Game Relations tool, approved and pending submissions have been added to the Product Code contribution tool. We'll continue to add these to other tools over time.
- Added database stats for Add-ons and Identifiers
- Added "Include Add-ons" option to the game browser (off by default and will remember your preference if you change it)
- Added ability to add a Game Relation with a game id
- Added Game Relations page to user contributions profile
- Added "Unofficial Add-on" option to Game Relations and renamed "DLC/Addon" to "Official Add-on"
- Added pending and approved submissions to Product Code contribution tool
- Added confirmation step to image delete
- Added ability to export a game collection from its own page (also available via the collection overview/manager)
- Added Moby ID to game pages beneath the title (same as people and company pages)
- Fixed revision history views
- Fixed displaying portraits without captions/sources
- Fixed submitting approval comments with credits
- Fixed filter API by titles starting with 'the'
- Fixed deleting rejected games/platforms
- Misc. other bug fixes, UI fixes, polish
- Admin: Printables can now be twice as long (128k chars, up from 65k)

Terok Nor (42773) on 11/22/2023 10:38 PM · Permalink · Report
The Game Relations contributions page seems to be broken. For me, it says I have submitted only 26 relations when it should be 195 (the number on the contributions overview page). Also, the "Prev"/"Next" links at the bottom seem to broken - they lead to the pages for game descriptions instead.