Forums > News > Baldur's Gate III Credits

MobyReed (386) on 8/14/2023 5:16 PM · Permalink · Report
The credits for Baldur's Gate III are in!
With 2,909 people in total, 611 of which are Thanks. Notably they may have the largest voice over cast for a game, with 570 unique voice roles voiced by 232 different voice actors. Who contributed to 174 hours of cinematics and an estimated 1.5 million words of performance capture.
Here's the full breakdown of credited roles:
- 801 people credited with Audio
- 611 Thanks
- 514 Quality Assurance
- 487 Art/Graphics
- 201 Programming/Engineering
- 191 Localization
- 107 Video/Cinematics
- 85 Other
- 77 Companies
- 75 Business
- 52 Production
- 46 Design
- 36 Public Relations
- 34 Administration
- 28 Technology
- 23 Writers
- 16 Creative Services
- 7 Support
- 7 Marketing
- 4 Customer/Technical Support

Filatov Yuri (104) on 8/16/2023 9:25 PM · Permalink · Report
I hope you heard me what I said in Moby v2023.08.11 Release