Forums > News > Moby v2023.08.11 Release

MobyReed (386) on 8/14/2023 3:08 PM · Permalink · Report
- New, more compact UI for critic reviews with ability to sort and expand for more info
- Revamped the game cover editor
- Added description instructions and character counter to game submission form
- Game overview pages now display up to 3 random player reviews (please rate the most helpful!)
- Fixed merging of developers while credit submissions in progress
- Fixed import from Nintendo eShop and non-US PlayStation titles
- Admin: Fixed adding new genres
- Admin: Added promo images to game split tool
- Misc. backend updates

joicrawu (80) on 8/14/2023 6:00 PM · Permalink · Report
Hey epic new UI for Critic reviews, love it! Just a couple of questions. I loved that in the previous version of this update you included something referred to as "Top Critics". Any plans on bringing that back? Also, on the one hand, I've noticed that all of the Unscored reviews are showing up as a 0% (although they don't factor in to the calculations so it's just a display issue). I guess it's a bug? But on the other hand, when a game has any review score of 0%, it doesn't show up as anything (also, doesn't cause any problems with the calculations, so also just a display issue). So I guess that's a minor bug too... I've just submitted what I'm almost 100% certain were the games that were pending that didn't have the Trivia of "1001 video games you must...." so I'm very happy with that, albeit, as I didn't know, I added the Trivia instead of editing it for games that already have some Trivia items, and apparently that's not how it's done. Unfortunate because I think I've 100% what was missing... Anyways, thanks so much for you're increasingly great work!

joicrawu (80) on 8/14/2023 7:13 PM · Permalink · Report
This is for Unscored showing up as 0% (it's in the Critics pages):
This is for 0% average scores or individual scores showing up as nothing:
In the Game Browser, the games that have an average score of 0%, albeit a tiny number, don't show anything in the Browser:
In the game overview and reviews page, the scores of 0% are showing up as Unscored, but there is no calculation mistake, it's just a display issue. Also in this example you can't click on the PlayStation "1 rating", because it is worth 0% and is the only rating it has. Also in the table of reviews, the overall doesn't show any number.
Overview main page: Reviews tab:
Another (famous) example:

joicrawu (80) on 8/14/2023 7:23 PM · Permalink · Report
So basically a recap:
In the Critics pages, Unscored reviews show up as 0%.
In the Game Browser, games that have an average score of 0% (albeit a tiny number of games with usually just a single review) don't show any number in the results, it's just blank.
In a game's overview or review tab, any review which is a 0% shows up as unscored (just a display issue)
In a game's review tab, if the game's average score is 0% it shows up as % (overall) or n/a (platform-specific). If it has an average of 0% and only has 1 review on a specific platform, the 1 rating isn't clickable (it is clickable for some reason in the "Overall" part).
The examples needed are all in the previous post.

Filatov Yuri (104) on 8/16/2023 5:15 PM · Permalink · Report
Will you ever fix the issue when publication dates are missing, please? For example, this issue is happened with screenshots of AirStrike 3D: Operation W.A.T. (2002), Luxor (2005), Chuzzle Deluxe (2005), etc..
This issue appeared when MobyGames was updated on February 21, 2023. Here's the screenshot with annotation how it looks like:
P.S. Can someone accept screenshots faster, please? Otherwise, this can go nowhere, if nobody accepts them.

MobyReed (386) on 8/17/2023 8:29 PM · Permalink · Report
We've never had publication dates for those. There was a bug from 2002-2005 where approval timestamps didn't get recorded on about 35k screenshots. We're going to have those filled in with the creation timestamp though, which will be pretty close.

Filatov Yuri (104) on 8/18/2023 6:11 AM · Permalink · Report
Big thanks! I can see publication dates now! Luxor (2005) first screenshot by order was added on April 8, 2005; Chuzzle Deluxe (2005) first screenshot by order was added on May 31, 2005; AirStrike 3D: Operarion W.A.T. (2002) first screenshot by order was added on April 18, 2003.
Anyway, there's still many games that have their publication dates missing for now, but not completely (it's just a bug).

Cavalary (11448) on 8/17/2023 4:41 PM · Permalink · Report
At a first glance, it's not clear which click does what in the new critic review UI, that clicking the source expands and clicking the score takes you to the URL. Maybe clicking anywhere on the row should expand, possibly with the exception of clicking on a link icon that could be added to take you directly to the URL without expanding first.