Blade Force
In the year 2110, in the city of Meggagrid, once known as Los Angeles, you meet Dr. Grubert, a very prominent inventor who has been crippled by an explosion perpetrated by a crime family known as The Pitt Family. He gives a suit known as the Helipak Flight Suit to fight back and take down the criminals in the city, apprehend The Pitt Family, and bring peace back to the city. With an arsenal of nine different weapons and twenty power-ups, the player flies around seven levels of the city with six degrees of freedom.
- ブレードフォース - Japanese spelling
Groups +
Credits (3DO version)
44 People (33 developers, 11 thanks) · View all
Executive Producer | |
Producers | |
Project Director | |
Game Designer | |
Technical Director - Game Architecture, 3D Game Engine | |
Technical Director - Game Logic, Enemy AI, 3D Sound, Game Design | |
Art Director | |
Cinematic Designer | |
Production Manager | |
Level Designers | |
Programmer | |
Shell Design | |
2D Artist | |
Lead 3D Artists | |
Music Score | |
Sound Design | |
Voice Talent | |
Story Content | |
[ full credits ] |
Average score: 73% (based on 19 ratings)
Average score: 3.7 out of 5 (based on 2 ratings with 0 reviews)
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3DO ratings
While the US release of the game had a 3DO rating of 17, the Japanese version was rated E.
- Game Players
- 1995 Holiday Edition (Vol. 8, No. 13) - Best 3DO Game of the Year
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Identifiers +
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by Big John WV.
Additional contributors: Alaka, Patrick Bregger, Kayburt.
Game added March 20, 2008. Last modified January 16, 2024.