Donkey Kong Junior
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Mario has kidnapped Junior's Papa!
Donkey Kong Jr. was originally released in the arcades in 1982 as a sequel to Donkey Kong. In this game, Mario plays the antagonist, finally having captured Donkey Kong, and has put the ape in a locked cage. As Donkey Kong Jr., players will have to make their way through four different levels (Vines, Springboard, Chains and Mario's Hideout) in an attempt to find keys to free the little monkey's father.
Along the way, Mario will send out Snapjaws, swooping purple birds, and electric sparks in an attempt to stop Junior. Junior can defend himself by dropping fruit found around the levels on the heads of his foes. The more foes a piece of fruit hits in a falling sequence, the higher bonus points can be scored.
Junior can also avoid enemies more easily by grabbing hold of two chains or vines at a time to climb away faster, or by jumping over his foes. However, any long fall or falling into the water on certain levels will mean the loss of a life for Junior.
In the final cut scene, Junior will free Donkey Kong and both will escape after giving Mario the boot. Once all four levels are cleared, the game levels will start over at a higher difficulty.
Like the original Donkey Kong, the earlier 1980's console versions do not have all of the levels and animations from the arcade.
- ドンキーコングJR. - Japanese spelling
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Credits (Arcade version)
10 People
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Average score: 68% (based on 28 ratings)
Average score: 3.4 out of 5 (based on 144 ratings with 4 reviews)
Nice little sequel, twice as addictive as its predecessor
The Good
Donkey Kong was a successful arcade game in which you played as Mario (then Jumpman) trying to save his damsel-in-distress from the aptly named gorilla. The game spawned two sequels, both of which were released on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I have played the original game so many times as a kid that I know the game mechanics off by heart, and I wasn't even aware that there was a sequel, probably because it never appeared on the Commodore 64, until this day.
In Donkey Kong Jr., Mario gets revenge by capturing the gorilla in a cage and stealing the key needed to unlock it, and it is up to his son to rescue him by navigating his way to the top of the screen and getting the key back. Junior needs to also avoid several enemies including Snapjaws, Nitpickers, and Sparks. There are four levels in the game, and gameplay in each one varies.
I enjoyed the different themes the game has to offer. The first two levels have a jungle theme with Junior climbing vines and getting fruit to knock the enemies down, and level three introduces a electricity-themed level where the platforms and ladders are colored blue. The graphics are colorful and the animations are smooth.
The background music for each level is just a short loop, but it's not annoying. The piece that you hear when you get the key varies between levels. The sound effects for Donkey Kong Jr. are quite similar to its predecessor. The controls are quick to get used to, and the game resembles that ”just one more go” addictiveness, in an attempt to beat your previous high score every time.
The Bad
The Bottom Line
As a sequel, Donkey Kong Jr. is not a bad game at all. The themes are interesting, and the game is just as addictive as the first one. The graphics are more colorful, and the music and sound is on par with the first game, with its short and catchy tunes. You'll enjoy this one. It and the original game are much better than the third offering.
NES · by Katakis | カタキス (43087) · 2017
Review de Donkey Kong Jr (NES, 1983)
The Good
1. Jogabilidade Excepcional (10/10):
Donkey Kong Jr. apresenta uma jogabilidade impecável que cativa os jogadores desde os primeiros momentos. Os controles são responsivos, facilitando a movimentação do personagem principal, e a variedade de movimentos adiciona profundidade estratégica ao jogo.
Experiência Imersiva (10/10): A jornada dentro do jogo é envolvente e emocionante. A progressão de níveis mantém o jogador interessado, enquanto os desafios aumentam de forma equilibrada, proporcionando uma experiência envolvente do início ao fim. A história simples, mas cativante, contribui para a imersão.
Visual Atraente (9/10): Considerando o ano de lançamento, os gráficos de Donkey Kong Jr. são impressionantes. Os personagens são bem desenhados, e os diferentes níveis são visualmente distintos. A estética colorida e vibrante adiciona um charme retro que permanece atraente mesmo décadas após o lançamento.
Diversão Garantida (10/10): Com uma combinação de desafios crescentes, jogabilidade envolvente e uma trilha sonora cativante, Donkey Kong Jr. entrega uma experiência de jogo divertida e memorável. A capacidade de desfrutar do jogo mesmo após tantos anos atesta a sua atemporalidade.
Trilha Sonora Notável (8/10): Embora a trilha sonora não seja tão proeminente, quando presente, é eficaz em criar atmosfera e aumentar a emoção. As limitações técnicas da época podem ter restringido a complexidade, mas a música contribui positivamente para a experiência geral.
The Bad
1. Dificuldade Baixa (Fácil): Alguns jogadores podem sentir que a dificuldade é relativamente baixa, o que pode diminuir o desafio para os jogadores mais experientes. Uma opção de dificuldade ajustável teria sido bem-vinda para acomodar uma variedade de habilidades.
The Bottom Line
Conclusão: Donkey Kong Jr. é um clássico atemporal que continua a encantar jogadores mesmo décadas após o seu lançamento. Com uma jogabilidade excepcional, uma experiência imersiva e diversão garantida, é fácil entender por que esse título é lembrado com carinho por tantos jogadores. Embora a dificuldade possa ser um ponto de discussão, a riqueza da experiência global faz de Donkey Kong Jr. um dos tesouros do catálogo do NES.
Arcade · by Wilson Brito · 2023
Donkey Kong is back on Famicom
The Good
The game is more developed and enjoyable to play as Donkey Kong. In addition, the result is exactly the same as the arcade version.
The Bad
The graphics are extremely minimalist and no effort was made to improve them.
The Bottom Line
Donkey Kong Jr. is the sequel to Donkey Kong.
You control this time the son of Donkey Kong wishing rescue her father kidnapped by Mario.
NES · by Wave Magatama (3) · 2016
Atari 2600 port
Surprisingly, Donkey Kong Jr. for the Atari 2600 was probably the poorest conversion in the history of the franchise. It was over-simplified in every aspect and almost unplayable. That must have been one of the main reasons Nintendo later enforced such strict standards on third party developers.
Donkey Kong Junior had a breakfast cereal released in 1983 by Ralston-Purina. It had strawberry and banana shaped and flavored cereals.
Donkey Kong Jr. was popular enough to have a Saturday morning TV cartoon based on it in the early 1980's. DK Jr. would often use "Monkey Muscles" as his catchphrase.
This is the only Nintendo game where Mario is portrayed as a villain.
- TeleMatch
- Issue 04/1984 – Hand-held/Minigames of the Year 1983 (Readers' Vote)
Information also contributed by LepricahnsGold and Silverblade
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Related Sites +
Video review of Donkey Kong 1,2 & 3
YouTube reviewer Aqualung reviews Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr. and Donkey Kong 3 on NES and mentions Donkey Kong Classics.
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by Kartanym.
Wii added by Corn Popper. Nintendo 3DS added by ResidentHazard. Wii U added by Michael Cassidy. Nintendo Switch added by Rik Hideto. Coleco Adam added by ed1475. Arcade added by Pseudo_Intellectual. Atari 2600, Intellivision, ColecoVision, Atari 7800 added by Servo. Atari 8-bit added by LepricahnsGold.
Additional contributors: Shoddyan, Guy Chapman, gamewarrior, formercontrib, LepricahnsGold, Patrick Bregger.
Game added September 28, 2002. Last modified May 27, 2024.