Cabbage Patch Kids Adventures in the Park
Your player is a Cabbage Patch kid with pigtails who is having a day at the park. A day that includes jumping onto vines and leaping over holes and bouncing onto correct platforms. A misplaced jump will lose a life and additionally there are a few creatures such as bees who end the player's turn when touched.
There are several screens of challenge with different combinations of obstacles.
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Groups +
Credits (ColecoVision version)
5 People
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Average score: 83% (based on 4 ratings)
Average score: 3.6 out of 5 (based on 9 ratings with 1 reviews)
Cute side scrolling adventure.
The Good
The graphics are very advanced for a Coleco game. It's silly and kid friendly. The game market was crashing at the time it came out so it was easy to get new for $5.
The Bad
Cabbage patch mania was in full swing at release time but it couldn't help as the whole market was going down. The game engine is pretty good and would have worked just as well without a franchised theme.
The Bottom Line
Basic side scrolling action game. Very similar to the Smurfs. Walk your Cabbage Patch Kid past several screens worth of obstacles. Do a little jumping here. Some swinging there. Some bouncing over there. And back to the first screen, do a little dance, and start all over.
ColecoVision · by gametrader (208) · 2006
You may be asking yourself what the Cabbage Patch Kids are doing in a game on the ColecoVision. The answer is: exercising corporate synergy through cross-promotion!
Despite a strong platform launch, the video game crash of 1983 was pawing at the door; the launch of the ADAM, intended to lead Coleco boldly forward into the home computer market, only compounded their financial troubles. But then, a stroke of luck! Coleco's shrewd toy acquisitions division accidentally ended up with ownership of the must-have toy line of Christmas 1983 in their hands -- those very same misshapen baby dolls, whose skyrocketing proceeds would serve to slow Coleco's gradual but inevitable collapse into bankruptcy.
What you are seeing here, then, is Coleco's attempt to use one of their properties on the way up (Cabbage Patch Kids) to give a boost-through-association to one of their properties on the way down (the ColecoVision).
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Related Sites +
Video review of the ColecoVision, some games and modules (WARNING: Language)
The Angry Video Game Nerd, James Rolfe, reviews the CollecoVision, some modules and games, including Cabbage Patch Kids Adventures in the Park on ColecoVision.
Identifiers +
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Contributors to this Entry
Game added by Shoddyan.
Coleco Adam added by Hipolito Pichardo. MSX added by Martin Smith.
Additional contributors: Pseudo_Intellectual, LepricahnsGold, Patrick Bregger, GTramp, robMSX.
Game added September 7, 2003. Last modified April 21, 2024.