10,000 results for "FIFA"

PERSON: Fífa Finnsdóttir (AKA: Fifa Finnsdottir)
Credited on Shock Tactics.
PERSON: Fifa Scanlon
Credited on The Grid.
game cover GAME: FIFA Street (February 2, 2005)
AKA: FIFA街头足球, FIFAストリート
PlayStation 2 (2005), Xbox (2005), GameCube (2005)
game cover GAME: FIFA Soccer 2003 (November 12, 2002)
AKA: FIFA Football, FIFA
Game Boy Advance (2002)
game cover GAME: FIFA Soccer 06 (September 29, 2005)
AKA: FIFA 06:世界杯之路, FIFA 06
Windows (2005), Xbox (2005), GameCube (2005), PlayStation 2 (2005)
game cover GAME: FIFA Soccer 07 (September 27, 2006)
AKA: FIFA Football 07, FIFA 2007, FIFA 07
Windows (2006), PlayStation 2 (2006), Xbox (2006), GameCube (2006)
developer photo PERSON: Francesa Castellanos (AKA: Fisa Castellanos)
Credited on 18 games, including Doom.
Francesa "Fisa" Castellanos is a 2D-3D artist, previously employed with Kinesoft Development, Rede Globo, The Disney Stores, Inc., JCI, and Sony. Fisa is proud of her conceptual development of environments in several different industries from Disney Stores in Europe to the interiors of Chrysler...
GAME: FIFA Soccer (February 21, 2012)
AKA: FIFA Football
PS Vita (2012)
developer photo PERSON: Dylan C. Lifa (AKA: Dylan Lifa)
Credited on 16 games, including Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception.
PERSON: Richard Fife (AKA: Rich Fife)
Credited on 7 games, including Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Mysteries of the Sith.
game cover GAME: FIFA Soccer 12 (September 27, 2011)
Xbox 360 (2011), PlayStation 3 (2011), Windows (2011), Macintosh (2011)
game cover GAME: FIFA Soccer 2004 (October 15, 2003)
AKA: FIFA Zuqiu 2004, FIFA Football 2004, FIFA足球2004, FIFA 2004
GameCube (2003), PlayStation 2 (2003), Xbox (2003), Windows (2003)
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